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First, choose the preferred CAP Driving School to see all the available courses and prices.
Once a new driver gets their first right to drive a car or a motorcycle, they are monitored more closely than other drivers for the first two years. During this time, a driving ban can be imposed on a driver if they have committed one or more traffic offence or violation. To prevent the driver’s risk behaviour, returning the driving licence after a driving ban requires four hours of additional instruction.
The driving ban training addresses risky behaviour and its effects on traffic safety. The instruction is theory instruction, which includes individual assignments and group discussions. The instruction consists of four hours of theory instruction via a remote connection. The training is usually held on Wednesdays from 17:00 to 21:00. The rights to possible schedule changes are reserved. The lessons require the use of a microphone and webcam, so please check their functionality before joining the lessons. We recommend using a headset.
The training is held in Finnish. If the customers native language is English, Swedish or something else, the customer must have an interpreter during the whole training.
The instruction can be completed during the driving ban or once it has ended.
The police will return the right to drive once the training has been completed, a certificate of it has been delivered to the police and the driving ban has ended.
Alajärvi | Espoo Iso Omena | Espoo Otaniemi | Espoo Sello | Espoo Tapiola | Espoon Keskus | Forssa | Grani | Haapajärvi | Haapavesi | Hamina | Helsinki Haaga | Helsinki Herttoniemi | Helsinki Hämeentie | Helsinki Itäkeskus | Helsinki Kamppi | Helsinki Laajasalo | Helsinki Lauttasaari | Helsinki Malmi | Helsinki Maunula | Helsinki Munkkiniemi | Helsinki Pasila | Helsinki Töölö | Helsinki Viikki | Helsinki Vuosaari | Hollola | Huittinen | Hyrylä | Hyvinkää | Hämeenlinna Kauriala | Hämeenlinna keskusta | Ii | Iisalmi | Imatra | Joensuu | Jyväskylä center | Jyväskylä Palokka | Jyväskylä Vaajakoski | Jämsä | Järvenpää | Kaarina | Kajaani | Kangasala | Karhula | Kauhava | Kemi | Kemijärvi | Keminmaa | Kempele | Kerava | Kiiminki | Kirkkonummi | Kiuruvesi | Klaukkala | Kokkola | Koria | Kotka | Kouvola | Kruunupyy | Kuopio | Lahti | Lapinlahti | Lappeenranta | Lapua | Laukaa | Lempäälä | Lieksa | Liminka | Lohja | Loimaa | Loviisa | Mikkeli Savilahdenkatu | Mäntsälä | Nivala | Nummela | Nurmes | Nurmijärvi | Orimattila | Oulainen | Oulu haukipudas | Oulu Jääli | Oulu Kaakkuri | Oulu Kastelli | Oulu Keskusta | Oulu Pateniemi | Oulu Raksila | Oulu Tuira | Oulunsalo | Paimio | Parola | Pieksämäki | Pietarsaari | Pirkkala | Pori | Porvoo | Pudasjärvi | Pälkäne | Raahe | Raisio | Rajamäki | Rauma | Riihimäki | Rovaniemi | Salla | Salo | Savonlinna | Seinäjoki | Siilinjärvi | Sodankylä | Sotkamo | Säkylä | Tampere Hervanta | Tampere Pyynikki | Tampere Sampo | Tornio | Turenki | Turku Hämeenkatu | Turku Kauppiaskatu | Vaasa | Vantaa Kivistö | Vantaa Korso | Vantaa Myyrmanni | Vantaa Tikkurila | Vantaa Tikkuri | Varkaus | Veteli | Vihti | Ylivieska | Ylöjärvi | Äänekoski