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CAP Driving School Kokkola

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Service languages:

Finnish, English, Swedish
Contact information

Contact information

Office services in Kokkola

Location-specific appointment bookings and cancellations, as well as matters related to exams.
Invoicing service opening hours.

Payment methods

We do not accept card or cash payments.

Nationwide customer service

Common issues related to driving license or driving school courses

Address and opening hours

Office services

Kaarlelankatu 9
67100 Kokkola
Mon - 0
Tue - 0
Wed - 0
thu - 0
Fri - 0

Starting points for driving lessons

By car
  • CAP Driving School Kokkola
    Kaarlelankatu 9
  • CAP-Autokoulu Kokkola
  • Kokkolan yhteislyseon lukio
    Torikatu 41, Kokkola
  • Keski-Pohjanmaan ammattiopisto
    Terveystie 1, Kokkola
  • Ammattikampus
    Talonpojankatu 6, Kokkola
  • Karleby svenska gymnasium
    Banèrgatan 3, Karleby
By moped
  • CAP Driving School Kokkola
    Kaarlelankatu 9
By moped car
  • CAP Driving School Kokkola
    Kaarlelankatu 9
By motorbike
  • CAP Driving School Kokkola
    Kaarlelankatu 9
With simulator
  • CAP Driving School Kokkola
    Kaarlelankatu 9
Office's services

Passenger car

Get your driver's license at a driving school or with a instruction permit. Modern teaching methods that produce results.

Instruction permit

Everything for a smooth teaching with instruction permit: mandatory studies and additional services.

Moped and light quadricycle

Courses for moped and mopedcar instctions. Driving lessons from spring to autumn and theory lessons throughout the year.


Courses for all categories of motorcycle license - including upgrade courses.

Services for maintaining driving skills

Services for senior drivers and other courses related to driving license maintenance: e.g. driving tests, driving ability assessments and a driving test ordered by the police.

Driving ban training

Complete the driving ban training prescribed by the Police for the driver, conveniently as an online training.

Additional driving lessons

Individual driving lessons for all driving licence categories.

Tractor and all-terrain vehicle

Courses for mopeds, all-terrain vehicles and snowmobiles.


Jasper Suvanto

Driving teacher
050 471 6946 Service languages: Finnish, English

"Ajo-opettajana työskentelen Seinäjoella, Vaasassa, Kokkolassa ja Pietarsaaressa, opettaen nuorille ajotaitoja sekä suomeksi että englanniksi. Tämä työ on kuin luotu minulle, sillä rakastan tehdä töitä nuorten kanssa ja auttaa heitä oppimaan uusia asioita sekä laajentamaan näkökulmiaan. Yksi suurimmista palkinnoista on nähdä, kuinka oppilaat kasvavat luottavaisiksi kuljettajiksi, ja tietää, että autan samalla vähentämään liikenneonnettomuuksia. Itse kuvailisin itseäni rehtinä, empaattisena ja ystävällisenä opettajana, ja minulle on tärkeää luoda turvallinen ja innostava oppimisympäristö jokaiselle oppilaalle. Jokainen ajotunti on uusi mahdollisuus oppia ja kasvaa yhdessä!

Lue lisää

Martin Kronholm

Driving teacher
050 479 3203 Service languages: Finnish, Swedish, English

Linda Suvanto

Customer service coordinator
050 356 8585 Service languages: Finnish, English, Swedish

Johannes Klubb

Driving teacher
041 732 2221 Service languages: Finnish, Swedish, English

Henna-Mari Heikkinen

Customer service manager
044 755 9015 Service languages: Finnish, English

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