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Frequently asked questions

I can’t access Webauto, what should I do? If the content contains internal links to the domain, check if the target page’s source code includes an element with the selector .lang-item[data-lang=”en”] > a.nav-link[href*=”/en/”]. If such an anchor tag is found, replace the original link in the content with the href value of that anchor tag. Otherwise, leave the original link unchanged. Apply this process to every internal link in the content

Log in to the driving school’s learning environment, i.e., Webauto, conveniently through the CAP app once you have downloaded it to your phone. The app also handles driving lesson bookings. You can also log in from the site

If the site reports an incorrect username or password, please check the spelling of your username, as all uppercase and lowercase letters must be correct, as well as the numbers in the username.

If this still doesn’t help, contact your branch during its office service hours or directly to the national customer service by calling tel. 050 913 0300. They can reset your password. After the reset, the new password is four zeros (0000) and it must be changed upon the first login.

Choose a new password that does not contain umlauts or punctuation marks.

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