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Frequently asked questions

Incorrect username? If the content contains internal links to the domain, check if the target page’s source code includes an element with the selector .lang-item[data-lang=”en”] > a.nav-link[href*=”/en/”]. If such an anchor tag is found, replace the original link in the content with the href value of that anchor tag. Otherwise, leave the original link unchanged. Apply this process to every internal link in the content

You can find your username in the email sent to you by the driving school. Pay attention to all uppercase and lowercase letters and the final numeric code, i.e., write the username exactly as it appears in the email.

If Webauto still does not accept your username, try using the following login link:

Changing the browser may also help.

If the system still claims an incorrect username and you have also entered your password correctly, please contact your branch during its opening hours or our national customer service by calling tel. 050 913 0300.

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