Teaching pedals can be found in the selections of most car accessory stores, and most car repair shops install them. When considering a used pedal, it is advisable to be particularly careful and thoroughly check that the pedal is not damaged or defective and that it withstands use. When acquiring pedals, it is also advisable to ensure the installation of an additional mirror and a warning triangle in the teaching vehicle.
For more information on the placement, installation, and requirements of the pedal, it is worth reading on the Ajokortti-info.fi website: https://traficom.fi/fi/liikenne/autoilijat/ajokortit/hae-opetuslupaa/opetuspolkimen-asennus-ja-opetusajoneuvon-varusteet.
A properly installed and functioning teaching pedal is a prerequisite for taking the driving test, so the examiner tests the functionality of the pedals before the driving test. The functionality of the pedal can also be tested during police roadside inspections and periodic inspections.