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Driving licence with an instruction permit

You can also obtain a passenger car driving licence with an instruction permit, which means that one of the student’s parents, for example, will act as the driving instructor. Obtaining a driving licence with an instruction permit requires the student to complete the studies required by law in a driving school in addition to independent training.

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First, choose the preferred CAP Driving School to see all the available courses and prices.

Did you know that you can also purchase individual driving lessons to support your instruction permit training?

You can also purchase one or more driving lessons to support your instruction permit training. The lessons will be taken with the driving school’s car together with a professional driving instructor. The instruction permit instructor can also attend the driving lesson!

When you take more than one driving lesson you save money!

Choose the location to see all the available courses and prices!

First, choose the preferred CAP Driving School to see all the available courses and prices.

General information about instruction permit instruction

Requirements for the instruction permit instructor

  • At least 25 years old
  • Has had a valid B driving licence for at least five years
  • Must not have too many traffic violations

The instruction permit instructor does not have to:

  • Be a close relative of the student
  • Attend separate instructor training or take a test

Requirements for the instruction permit vehicle

  • A standard passenger car or a category B van or motorhome
  • A separate brake pedal has been installed for the instructor
  • A white triangle symbol with a length of 16–25 cm has been attached behind the vehicle
  • An additional mirror has been attached to the side mirror for the instructor
  • The vehicle has seat belts for the instructor and student

A modification inspection is not required for the instruction permit vehicle.

Statutory driving school instruction for the student

The instruction permit instruction includes the following mandatory driving school studies:

  • The training for candidates for first driving licences (EAS training)*
    • Consists of 4 online theory lessons Online lessons are spoken in Finnish and subtitled in English.
    • *If the student already has a driving licence (such as a moped driving licence), the EAS training is not mandatory
  • Risk recognition training (RTK)
    • Consists of 4 online theory lessons Online lessons are spoken in Finnish and subtitled in English.
    • 4 driving lessons with a simulator and the driving school’s car

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